Ariel Neuman Speaks with Law360 Regarding Supreme Court’s Speedy Trial Ruling
Bird Marella principal Ariel Neuman spoke with Law360 regarding the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent ruling that the Sixth Amendment right to a speedy trial does not extend to …
May 23, 2016
Go to the postEkwan Rhow Featured in Law360’s Trial Pros Q&A Series
Bird Marella principal Ekwan Rhow has been featured in Law360’s Trial Pros Q&A Series, highlighting his experiences as a high-stakes trial attorney. Mr. Rhow recounts his most interesting …
March 25, 2016
Go to the postTerry Bird Featured in Law360’s Trial Pros Q&A Series
Bird Marella principal Terry Bird has been featured in Law360’s Trial Pros Q&A Series, highlighting his experiences as a prominent trial attorney for over 40 years. Mr. Bird recounts …
March 3, 2016
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