Attorneys Ron Nessim, Tom Freeman, Ashley Bowman, and Jon Jackson were co-counsel to the Screen Actors Guild – American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) and assisted in the drafting of an amicus curiae brief in the California Court of Appeal in connection with a dispute between Fox and Netflix concerning the alleged poaching of Fox executives by the streaming service.
The brief addresses changes in the television industry, hardships caused to television series regulars from the exclusivity and option provisions in their series contracts, and why the appellate court should be careful in the scope of its ruling and its language. The reason being, executives at issue in the Fox v. Netflix case, who were working and compensated full-time and owed the highest fiduciary duties to their employer, are far different than television series regulars who are not working or receiving full-time compensation, and therefore do not owe similar fiduciary duties to their respective employers.
Click here to read the brief.